Macbook air black screen fix
Macbook air black screen fix

macbook air black screen fix

Luckily it is possible to fix this in Recovery Mode.


If your Mac is booting but the operating system isn’t loading up, you may have a corrupted drive. However you can change the settings that the SMC used to look after. SMC is absent from the M1 Mac so you can’t reset it. This is largely a last-ditch attempt to fix the current version of macOS before attempting to recover the data and moving on to reinstalling the OS. In some situations, you may need to reset your Mac’s SMC (System Management Controller). In some cases we’ve seen, however, the Mac shuts down at around the halfway point in the progress bar. If the progress bar fills up and then the Mac starts up, you’re probably good to go. In other cases, you might instead see a progress bar on startup. In some cases, after performing this step, your Mac will restart normally. On M1 Mac resetting the NVRAM means using Terminal, the method is discussed in the article linked above. Listen for a second reboot, and then release the keys.Keep holding the keys down until you hear the Mac restart again.Hold down all of these keys: Command, Option (Alt), P and R, and turn on the Mac (it’s the same keys to reset the PRAM).


Now you are in safe mode we will discuss how to use Safe Mode to fix your Mac start up issues.

  • To get more feedback about what’s happening, you could start up an Intel-powered Mac while holding down Shift, Command and V: that enters both Safe Boot and something called Verbose Mode, which spits out some messages about what Safe Boot is actually trying to do as it goes.
  • You will see the words Safe Mode in menu at the top right of your screen. Now press and hold Shift and then click Continue in Safe Mode.
  • To enter Safe Mode on an M1-powered Mac: Press and continue to hold the power button until you see the startup options appear on the screen.
  • Safe Boot can take a while to start (if it does work at all).
  • To enter Safe Mode on an Intel-powered Mac: Start your Mac up while holding down the Shift key.
  • If you want more help with this step read: It’s rare, but sometimes you can get your unhappy Mac to start up successfully with a Safe Boot, and then restart it normally, and everything returns to hunky-doriness. Safe Boot limits what checks and functionality your Mac focuses on during startup, and performs certain diagnostics.
  • If possible, try to use a different display, or a different adapter (use DVI instead of VGA, for example).Īdjusting the screen resolution in System Preferences.
  • If using more than one monitor in a ‘daisy chain’, unplug all monitors and test using just one.
  • Unplug the video cable (if using a separate monitor) and plug it back in.
  • macbook air black screen fix

    Remove all display extenders and switches, and any other devices between the Mac and monitor.Confirm that all cables are connected securely.Check the power supply to the Mac (and the power to the display if using a separate unit).If your display isn’t working the advice is to: If you think it’s a problem with your monitor, then take a look at thisĪpple Support document for advice on troubleshooting a display.

    macbook air black screen fix

    It is possible that your Mac does turn on, but doesn’t boot up because it can’t access the display – if that’s the case you are most likely having trouble with the display hardware (rather than a broader startup issue). Have a listen to your Mac to see if it’s making any sounds during boot-up. You could have a problem with the display you have plugged in, rather than the Mac itself. If you don’t have a separate display plugged in you can skip this step.


    If you’re using a desktop Mac such as a Mac Pro or Mac mini this could apply to you. If performing a power cycle on your Mac doesn’t help, or if pressing the Power button on the M1 Mac doesn’t open the start up options, there are a few other simple things to try out before moving on to the more complicated steps. We also discuss how to revive your M1 Mac using a second Mac and the Configurator app below. If pressing and holding the power button does allow you to access the startup options then you can run through those options below to get your Mac up and running. For M1 Macs if you press and hold the Power button you would eventually see Loading startup options – assuming the Mac was working properly.If your Mac is a desktop you will need to unplug it and leave it unplugged for at least ten seconds before plugging it back in and attempting to restart.Hopefully after waiting ten seconds and restarting, all will be well. You’ll usually hear a squeak as the Mac’s power is forcibly cut. On a MacBook you need to hold down the power key for ten seconds.

    Macbook air black screen fix